Have you reached the Medicare Safety Net?

Home / Patient Information / Have you reached the Medicare Safety Net?

Unfortunately, due to privacy reasons, Medicare will not give out your Safety Net information to our staff so we are unable to check this information on your behalf.

You can check your Safety Net status either online or over the phone with Medicare.


To check your Safety Net online; log into your MyGov account and follow the prompts to find the information through the Medicare portal.

Over the Phone

To check your Safety Net over the phone you can call Medicare on 13 20 11.

As Medicare can sometimes have long waiting times due to a high influx of calls you may wish to call outside of their peak hours which is generally after 8pm at night.

When speaking to an operator you will want to ask;

  1. What is my Medicare Safety Net Threshold? (This should be either be $2093.30 or $668.10, as shown onhttps://www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/enablers/2018-table-medicare-safety-net-thresholds/39326).
  2. What have I spent towards my Safety Net so far? (This will be a sum of your out of pocket expenses so far this calendar year).
  3. What do I have remaining before I reach the Safety Net? (This will be the amount of out of pocket expenses you have remaining to spend before you trigger the Medicare Safety Net).

It is important to write down this information and provide this to our staff so we can more accurately predict your expected out of pocket expenses.