Outpatient surgery is heavily subsidised by Medicare which means whether you are privately insured or uninsured (not in a health fund) we can help you.

Most surgeries attract a rebate from Medicare which means you will get some of your surgery fee back. If you have reached the “Safety Net” Medicare may pay up to 80% of your out of pocket costs as the Surgery is considered “in rooms” and not performed in a hospital. The “Safety Net” does not apply to surgery performed in a Private Hospital operating theatre.

At The Gold Coast Carpal Tunnel Clinic one “all inclusive” fee is charged for your procedure if you are a private patient (either insured or self funding). The cost savings to privately insured or un-insured patients are significant as no anaesthetist fee, no asssistant fee or facility fee is charged. There are no “Hidden Costs” or extra bills later.

Work Cover and DVA procedures may also be performed at the CTCGC. No out-of-pocket expense is charged for WC or DVA patients.

To organise a quote please contact us at info@thegcctc.com.au or phone (07) 5531 2222 now. Our friendly staff can assist you.